Victims of sudden cardiac arrest have only 4 minutes to avoid permanent brain damage or death. The brain cells cannot remain without oxygen, so intervening on the scene by providing CPR to a victim is imperative. Various research was conducted since the introduction of the basic CPR techniques to find new ways for overall improvement in the field.
A common basic goal is to improve the victim’s circulation and survival outcome. Once a treatment approach and technique proves to be efficient, it becomes part of international CPR guidelines. This is why staying updated on all research and the most advanced techniques in modern CPR is important.
This article will discuss some of these advanced techniques, where you can learn CPR in Miami, and much more.
Basic Techniques in Modern CPR
There is still much more to learn about human nature and anatomy, and the same goes for the effects of CPR techniques. Both require regular updates to effectuate the situation, improve the victim’s chances of survival, and simplify the approach. Bystanders often learn and perform the basic CPR techniques, but in some cases, initiating advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation may be needed.
The basic CPR technique involves hands-on techniques to get a person’s heart back in rhythm. This is a standard but effective method used in case of an emergency or a sudden cardiac arrest when there is no AED in the area.
These techniques include bystanders providing 30 chest compressions at a rate of 100-120 beats per minute. The compressions are given at a chest depth of 2 inches (on adults) and 2 rescue breaths after the 30th compression. It is a rule that an EMS team is called before starting CPR. The bystander administers CPR until the EMS arrives.
Advanced Techniques in Modern CPR
The CPR guidelines dictate assisting an SCA victim by following the chain of survival and the specific requirements. Rescuers are encouraged to act on the spot and provide the required help immediately.
Use of Automated External Defibrillator
Advanced CPR includes complementing the basic CPR techniques with medical devices that will increase the chances of survival. This means using an AED to regain the victim’s normal heart rhythm. Modern AEDs are sophisticated enough and do not require any special knowledge to use them. All you’ll need to know is the correct positioning on the victim’s chest.
Place the AED pads on the victim’s naked, dry chest, with no one touching the victim physically while the AED is on. Ensure the area around the victim is water-free. Once you apply the pads, the AED device directs you on how to continue with CPR, when to provide the electric shock, performance rate, and more. Modern AEDs are fully automatic, meaning they also deliver electric shock.
Telecommunicator CPR
A very popular modern CPR system is telecommunicator CPR (TCPR). This system allows bystanders to provide CPR to victims by following the instructions given by a medical person on the phone. This person will direct the bystander in detail on how deep they should compress the chest, how to spot signs of life and other specifications required for effective TCPR assistance.
This method is convenient not only for bystanders but also for the victim and EMS. Medical teams sometimes cannot reach the destination in a short time, while the victim of SCA cannot remain without oxygen for longer than 6 minutes and requires immediate help. A bill on telecommunicator CPR in Florida was passed in 2022, but the Florida Department of Health provides all the necessary information bystanders need.
Integration of Virtual Reality in CPR Classes
Virtual reality and simulation technology offer outstanding learning platforms for CPR because the candidates get to experience critical situations first-hand. After the popularity of VR sets in the past few years, CPR training centers saw the learning opportunities in VR and the benefits they offer.
Including VR in CPR classes was an experimental method, and the truth is – there were many skeptics about the methodology in training with CPR, which called for research. According to a recent finding, 30 trainees agreed to learn and perform CPR with VR. For research purposes, half of the candidates had to do CPR with VR (following only the instructions provided), CPR with VR on a real mannequin, and CPR without the mannequin.
The research showed positive results that VR improves techniques, skills, and self-reliance. The use of a mannequin proved to be needed only to practice manual skills like the right chest compression pressure.
Another study finds that undergraduate freshmen medical students learn the basics of CPR and Basic Life Support (BLS) through simulated practices or VR. The results showed that implementing VR in the BLS exercises can help students feel the real situation and improve their skills, but the traditional teaching methods should not be dismissed. Medical students still need to practice under the supervision of their professors.
Where to Learn the Advanced Techniques in Modern CPR
To be able to intervene on the scene, you must have a CPR certificate or at least recent knowledge/training on mannequins. This is important because no matter how much you want to help a victim, you have to be fully aware of the situation and make conscious decisions during a sudden cardiac arrest intervention.
Acquiring and learning the advanced techniques in modern CPR takes place in a specialized training center under the supervision of a certified instructor. The curriculum varies from provider to provider, given that there are CPR certificate providers in Miami that offer online-only classes, in-person, and hybrid classes. The material and practices overall build the learning program.
However, you should know that there are CPR providers that offer different types of classes to fit the purpose of the candidates’ application.
CPR Classes Programs
CPR works the same for all living beings, but the approach is different from patient to patient. For example, CPR for a baby and an adult can be different in terms of amending the technique to suit the patient.
Additionally, candidates often need a CPR certificate for work. Some are medical staff, and others are workers in the field. The medical candidate requires knowledge of more complex matters, while regular CPR requires basic knowledge.
- Adult CPR and AED: These classes cover the basic CPR techniques under modern guidelines. The target candidates of this program include every individual interested in CPR or one who needs a certificate for work.
- Pediatric CPR and AED: The curriculum of the pediatric programs focuses on providing CPR and using AED on children and babies. Parents, teachers, or any other individual working with children is a match for the program.
- Adult CPR + First Aid: These classes are advanced compared to the first program in this list because they include first aid as an additional feature. Therefore, these classes include adult CPR and first aid lectures. With the first aid, the candidate will learn how to respond to open wounds, securely stop bleeding, and provide first aid overall. This is recommended for people within the medical field due to the width of the material, but all other interested people are very welcome to book their places now.
Advanced Techniques in Modern CPR in Miami: Final Words
Miami has become more aware of the importance of advanced techniques in modern CPR. This is due to the successful results of assisting on the scene and saving lives instead of waiting for the EMS to intervene.
CPR training centers in Miami pay special attention when crafting the curriculums to cover BLS CPR and AED. Candidates have the opportunity to learn from licensed and experienced CPR instructors who are dedicated to their jobs. Following the example of medical universities, some training centers include VR in the curricula to encourage effective CPR.
There are many ways to learn CPR, but the methods nowadays are simplified for one reason: to encourage bystanders to take action. CPR is not only a technique but a second chance at life.